Dispute Resolution


Our guiding approach to dispute resolution is always to find the best of the various mechanisms that offers the most effective result to our client. This is why we often commence with the non-confrontational and non-litigious approach to resolving disputes. We study the background and contextual issues to every dispute and in collaboration with/guidance of the client, adopt the mechanism that will best deliver the desired outcome within a reasonable time.

To this end, we have a dispute resolution team highly skilled in alternative dispute resolution mechanisms including arbitration, mediation/negotiation, conciliation and early neutral evaluation.

We are also endowed with top-notch advocacy skills for contentious/litigious cases. We strive to achieve the result that is most effective for the attainment of our clients’ business or personal objectives. This usually requires us to be proactive in reacting appropriately to developments just as we remain flexible in seizing opportunities as they develop in the course of litigation.

As our clients remain the center-piece of our practice, what serves their interest best within the ambits of the law is our guiding principle. For this reason, we put the core business/personal interests of our Clients at the heart of our dispute resolution strategy. This is to ensure that whatever steps we take will confer long term benefit to the business and/or personal interests of our clients.

4th Floor, Dominion Plaza, Nichole Balogun Street, Lekki Pennisula II, Lagos

Tel: 07053341066 , 07032735699

Email: info@ajibola-salvador.com