About A&S: Top Law Firm in Lagos Nigeria

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Ajibola & Salvador LP (A&S) is a full-service law firm established with a resolve to create reliable and world class legal solutions, competing on a global scale. With office in Lagos, Nigeria and other strategic partnerships across the Country and in the diaspora, we are well poised to deliver value to local and international clients.

At A&S we pride ourselves as a Firm that provides innovative legal expertise with commercial awareness, competence, cost-effective and responsive solutions"
- Ajibola & Salvador

With innovation and technology driving our world to new heights, we are inspired daily to create and develop legal solutions tailored to meet the needs of clients in this age. We look beyond what is obtainable in industries today, we look into the future to ensure that our clients not only derive today’s benefit but become pioneers in deriving sustainable benefits.Our clients are our priority in everything we do. Thus, we employ an all- encompassing approach in delivering value to our clients.Our clientele includes public and private companies, governments, foreign investors, financial institutions, foreign law firms as well as international consultancy firms. Our lawyers are often called upon to serve as resource persons at local and international seminars/workshops and as public and private sector office holders and advisers.

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